VIP Defense privacy and anonymity keeping company
Solving privacy leaks

Solving privacy leaks

After VIP Privacy scans your system and locates all the Privacy leaks, the Results dialog will appear.
Please note, that solving privacy leaks does not delete any private files or documents you have in your computer. It is only your personal information (collected by different applications) that is actually being removed.


Caution: Notice that some privacy leaks might be unsafe to remove. That means that their clean-up can cause some applications to function a bit unstable. Dangerous privacy leaks are not checked by default.

You have the choice to Solve, Solve All or Export...

Select the desired privacy leak in the list below and press the Solve button to remove it.

Solve All

Press this button to remove all checked privacy leaks from your system. Notice, that by default only safe to solve leaks are checked.

Please look carefully through the list of selected leaks before you click on Solve All. You will not be able to restore removed information that you might want to keep (like your browser's Favourites, for example).


Press this button to export the list of privacy leaks into a text file for your future reference and information. More detailed information about this feature is found here.

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